Monday, May 25, 2020

Blooming Of Progress Worldview - 1347 Words

Blooming in Progress: Worldview in my Vocation As a believer, I believe in Creationism and that the universe was created by God ex-nihilo, or from nothing. Moreover, when God created man, he gifted him with vocation. He was given wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to replenish, subdue, and rule over the other living things. (Genesis 1:28, King James Version) It is important to note that even in all that man was ordained to do, that God also blessed him with rest. It is reassuring to know that God wants us to be diligent and faithful in our work and that he desires to bless us with rest. For some that is a difficult concept, many employees work six days a week or overtime in excess of twelve hours a day for financial gain. Not every†¦show more content†¦Jesus paid the price that we could not pay for our sins to redeem us from death and being eternally separated from him. No matter our shortcomings and our stubbornness, God still chooses to work in us and through us despite ourselves. (Veith G. E., 2002) This is exemplified by God allowing us to serve and be served by people from all walks of life. I think it is to remind us of our dependence on Him. Just as we realize that we cannot make it in life without God’s help, we cannot make it in life without the people around us, the everyday ordinary people. â€Å"God, who pours out his generosity on the just and the unjust, believer and unbeliever alike, hides himself in the ordinary social functions and stations of life, even the most humble†. (Veith G. , 1999) Our service would not be possible if Christ had not done for us what we could not do for ourselves. As a matter of vocations, I serve many roles. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a friend, a niece, a granddaughter, a neighbor, an aunt, a wife, a student, and an employee. My calling in each of these areas is different, yet they share something in common. My duty to serve remains constant. I do not often think of myself as a citizen, yet, I am. Usually, unless I am traveling, it is not something that I give a second thought. Yet, I am a Tennessee native, a Texas resident, a member of the Tomball community. My list keeps getting longer. It is

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